Approach to musical rhythm in Primary Education. Perceptions of Chilean specialist teachers
Scenic Anxiety in Professional Music Education Studies Learners’
The rhythmic aspect is fundamental in the Music Education class at school. The aim of this article was to collect the opinions of Chilean music teachers regarding the approach to rhythmic elements -isochronic pulse, tempo, meter (metrical accent) and rhythmic phrases or patterns- in the third and fourth year of Primary Education. For this purpose, two focus groups were carried out. One group was made up of 6 initial teachers (3-4 years of service) and the other was made up of 5 advanced or expert teachers (more than 12 years of service). The results show that the most frequently used means are body movement and verbal language, which are worked mainly considering auditions related to the musical preferences and previous experiences of the students. For the future, it is important to strengthen the elements indicated for music teaching and to continue analyzing the praxis of music teachers in relation to the teaching of rhythm in the classroom.